
...life is perfect. life is the best, full of magic, beauty, opportunity, and television. and surprises...lot's of surprises, yeah. and then there's the best, of course. better than anything anyone ever made up, 'cause it's real.
22.12.2009 - 18.09.2011,

20.09.2011 в 07:59

Переходите на сторону зла-у нас есть печеньки...
Интригуешь, однако)Что за даты?
20.09.2011 в 08:02

...life is perfect. life is the best, full of magic, beauty, opportunity, and television. and surprises...lot's of surprises, yeah. and then there's the best, of course. better than anything anyone ever made up, 'cause it's real.
начало и конец отношений
20.09.2011 в 08:08

Переходите на сторону зла-у нас есть печеньки...
Falka, Главное-не парься и не парь себе мозг)
20.09.2011 в 08:08

...life is perfect. life is the best, full of magic, beauty, opportunity, and television. and surprises...lot's of surprises, yeah. and then there's the best, of course. better than anything anyone ever made up, 'cause it's real.

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