
...life is perfect. life is the best, full of magic, beauty, opportunity, and television. and surprises...lot's of surprises, yeah. and then there's the best, of course. better than anything anyone ever made up, 'cause it's real.
20.07.2009 в 21:59

Be Happy! Now!!!
У тебя дата приближается?
Я думаю, через год-полтора воспользуюсь советами )))
20.07.2009 в 22:31

...life is perfect. life is the best, full of magic, beauty, opportunity, and television. and surprises...lot's of surprises, yeah. and then there's the best, of course. better than anything anyone ever made up, 'cause it's real.
не, до круглой даты мне еще далеко
20.07.2009 в 22:50

Be Happy! Now!!!
Ну можно полукруглую для испытания взять)
20.07.2009 в 22:50

...life is perfect. life is the best, full of magic, beauty, opportunity, and television. and surprises...lot's of surprises, yeah. and then there's the best, of course. better than anything anyone ever made up, 'cause it's real.
до полукруглой тоже))

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